You probably heard the term “Laughter is the best medicine”. More and more research in recent years is showing that this assertion is correct. Laughter has been shown to relieve pain, minimize the chances of getting sick and obviously, as a mood booster.

1. Reduces Aggression

We sometimes get the urge to snap and lash out, it’s normal, but when the urge surfaces, you should pause and try laughing instead. A leading psychologist in couples’ relationship, Dr. Fran Walfish, says that “Laughter relaxes the body and releases stress. It also is an acceptable healthy expulsion of aggressive impulses. The sound that is vocalized can be paralleled to a scream. There is a release. The trigger for laughter is often a helpful distraction to daily worries and concerns. This is an added benefit. Studies have shown that laughter reduces certain stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.”

2. Stress....

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