Our spirits soared as the airplane glided down through ‘rows and flows of angel hair’ onto the paradisiacal island. The first glimpses of the cluster of islands were in itself a play of colours – brilliant sparkling blue all around with green islands spotting the seas in emerald hues. The bright Andamanese sun welcomed us as we landed.

    We flipped through local directories and eventually found a small cozy lodging - originally the owner’s house, with tiny rooms that could barely hold two people - to save up on costs. Surya inn, as it was named, was hidden away in an unpretentious neighborhood at the top of a hill and the meandering roads leading onward had glorious view points from where we could see the whole town of Port Blair.

   We started out to Marina Park, all eight adults stacked into two auto rickshaws. This beautifully landscaped nonpareil park was complete with war monuments from the....

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