My journey to Reiki began with a very complicated case of road accident in which a motorcyclist from my organization was seriously injured. He was in the ICU with most internal organs on the verge of collapse.

    After trying their best for about a week, the doctors had almost given up hope, when I recalled a newspaper advertisement I had seen a few months back, about Reiki healing. I do not know why, I had noted the contact number; maybe it was providence. I called up the Reiki practitioner and requested him if he could help in any manner.

    Miraculously, he agreed despite the fact that he never actually went anywhere; it was the patients who came to his clinic. For once, the doctors at the hospital too allowed him to enter the ICU probably thinking that since the patient was about to die in any case, there was no harm trying something different to please the relatives, even if it was contrary to their own medical....

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