Food Corporation of India
The Food Corporation of India (FCI), one of the largest Public Sector Undertakings, dealing with food grain supply-chain management has invited applications to recruit young and skilled Category III personnel for manning posts in its depots and offices spread all over the country. Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Government of India, will make recruitment to these posts on behalf of the FCI.
AG-III (General) Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized University with proficiency in use of computers
AG-III (Accounts) Bachelor of Commerce from a recognized University with proficiency in use of computers.
AG-III (Technical)
(i) B.Sc. in Agriculture from a recognized University Or B.Sc. with any of the following subjects from a recognized University Botany/Zoology/Bio-Technology/ Bio-Chemistry/Microbiology/Food Science Or B.Tech/BE in Food Science/Food Science....