In his beautiful poem “Lead kindly light”, Newman seeks divine guidance: “ .....Lead thou me on, Lead thou my feet, I do not ask to see the distant scene, one step enough for me”. This is a spiritual quest, reflecting a deep faith in God.

    It is not only for divine guidance, at the secular and practical level also we move step by step. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, the first step. Every step in the right direction is important.

     We may change the direction, make choices, choose a different path every time the road has a fork, but the first step determines your destination, your destiny. Every step has a significance, a meaning of its own and adds beauty to the existence.

    If we make the right choice and walk with our heads held high and with determination, we will win in the end. If we falter, vascillate, drag our feet,....

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