From fleeing war-torn Afghanistan as a young girl to becoming a fully qualified doctor, the Danish forward just loves to exceed all expectations. By all accounts, Nadia Nadim is an exceptional human being who has led an extraordinary life.

    After taking up football as a young girl, Nadim has played 103 caps so far for Denmark – the country she and her family settled in after fleeing war-torn Afghanistan.

    At 34, she has enjoyed a successful career playing the sport she loves. But for Nadim, it did not matter what she dreamt of doing or went on to do, she has always possessed the desire to succeed.

    “I don’t remember a specific dream I had when I was living in Afghanistan,” she said. “But I always knew I wanted to be successful.”

    And her push to be the best version of herself influenced life off the football pitch, too. In 2022, Nadim....

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