The Mughal Empire, founded in 1526 by Babur dominated the Indian subcontinent. The empire stretched its wings from the Indus Valley in the presentday Pakistan to Bengal in the east and from the Himalayas north to the Deccan plateau.

    This vast area was a rich zone of culture and ethnicities. The Mughals have left behind a classic blend of their Persian, Indian, and Islamic influences on the Indian subcontinent.

    We are well aware of the Emperors, the shenshahs who were the rulers of the Mughal Empire, but mystery veils around their queens and consorts.

    Part of the opulent harem, the beautiful Mughal Queens were mainly behind the purdah, but some were resilient enough to make their mark on the golden history of India.

Sources of power and influence

    From a historical perspective, marital alliances were crucial in establishing cordial....

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