Renuka Ray was a dynamic freedom fighter, a dedicated social activist, a powerful orator, and a vigorous parliamentarian. She was one of the 15 women members of the Constituent Assembly of India who contributed to the formation of the Indian Constitution.

     Born into a prominent Brahmo family and the descendent of the Brahmo reformer Nibaran Chandra Mukharjee, Renuka was a sturdy follower of Mahatma Gandhi all through her life.

    She was a champion of women's rights and founded the All-Bengal Women's Union and the Women’s Coordinating Council. She was awarded the Padma Bhushan by the Government of India in 1988.

    Renuka Ray became the President of the All India Women’s Conference (AIWC) twice and a member of the Central Legislative Assembly for three consecutive years. She played a significant role and served as a member to discuss possible legal changes in the laws pertaining....

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