Book Title : Bulls, Bears and Other Beasts

Language : English

Author : Santhosh Nair

Format : Paperback

No. of pages : 416 pages

Publisher : Pan Macmillan India 

  The author Santhosh Nair in the book takes the help of a fictional character Lalchand Gupta, aka Lala, the protagonist: a colourful chap, who keeps bad company in school but is good in mathematics, in narrating a compressive account of the India Stock Market over twenty-five years, starting from 1988. A chance encounter with an old college mate exposes Lala to the miraculous happenings of the stock market – how people lose and make fortunes in hours and enticed in him an intense desire to join the Stock Market.

   Despite the book being a fictional account, throughout the book we meet many real characters and their unethical....

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