Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997 in Mingora, Pakistan. Her father Ziauddin Yousafzai, was unlike other parents in the country and welcomed the baby girl with open arms. Right from the time she was born, it was decided that she would have an upbringing on par with any male child.

    Ziauddin Yousafzai ran a girls’ school in the village. Even as a toddler, Malala would just walk in with her tiny steps and pretend to play ‘teacher’. Such was her thirst for knowledge that when the Taliban took control over the Swat Valley banning girls from going to school apart from singing and dancing, Malala stood up to them. The Taliban made it its business to oppose education for girls and in the process, destroyed 400 schools.

   Malala was very vocal about the basic right to education for all girls and did not hesitate to voice her opinion on Pakistan television. She started blogging on British Broadcasting....

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