Most people view spiders with fear and aversion, but biologists and nature lovers look upon spiders with awe, especially the spider web also known as spider silk. Not all spiders produce webs and female spiders produce better webs. In fact different species of spiders make different types of webs (funnel, tangled, sheet and orb) and also of different colours (red, purple, green, blue, brown, yellow and orange).

    A spider's web serves multiple functions in addition to catching prey viz., as a shelter, protection from predators, a place for mating, a means of communication through vibrations as alarm lines, for storing food, protection from falling and as a way to navigate their environment. Humans have been making use of spider silk for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks used cobwebs to stop bleeding from wounds and the Aborigines used silk as fishing lines for small fish. Inhabitants of the Solomon Islands still use silk as fish nets.....

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