Women writers have shown their talent from the past centuries. Even the Great Mughals had one of the greatest women writers to assist in the writing of Humayun Nama. She was Gulbadan Banu Begum, Akbar’s aunt and a great personality. She lived her life on her own terms and in her own style.

    Gulbadan was born in Kabul in 1523 to Babur’s third wife when her father was away in Hindustan. She would meet him only when he visited briefly and that is how her relationship was with other men in the family including her half-brother Humayun and nephew Akbar. She was wellknown for her knowledge, learning and wisdom and was regarded as an educated, pious and cultured woman.

    Gulbadan was a respected member of the court. Married at the age of seventeen to a Chagatai noble, her cousin, Khizr Khwaja Khan, she moved among many cities in India along with her father and then with her brother’s military campaigns. She....

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