Little Louis was sitting in his father's harness shop, trying to punch a hole in a piece of leather. He had often seen his father do it to make reins, saddles and collars for the horses in the village, with ease.

    Three-year-old Louis was not allowed to play with any of the tools. But, today was different. His father was not around for the time being. Inquisitive that he was, the lad ventured into the prohibited territory.

    As he pushed the instrument harder into the leather, the tool flew from his hand and landed into his left eye. Hearing Louis’ screams, his family rushed to his side. They put a cloth over the injured eye and took Louis to the local village quack in Coupvray, France.

    It was the year 1812 and there were no medical facilities available nearby. The woman put a cloth dipped in a herbal solution to the child's eye. Within no time, the infection had spread to the....

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