This short story collection offers a diverse tapestry of human relationships, capturing fleeting yet poignant moments with a blend of nostalgia and familiarity. The stories often anchor themselves in the mundane, using everyday experiences to evoke a sense of recognition in the reader. However, while some narratives shine with tender, heartfelt storytelling, others falter in execution, leaving an uneven and, at times, abruptly nostalgic reading experience.

    The opening story, The Call, cleverly examines the power and unpredictability of communication. The recurring mystery of a phone call searching for Bhama, the protagonist, creates an intriguing hook, drawing readers into its suspenseful premise. Yet, the resolution feels anticlimactic, missing the emotional depth that could have elevated its potential. The narrative’s tonal shifts— from dry humour to seriousness— feel inconsistent, making it difficult to fully immerse in....

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