Kasol, a tiny remote hamlet in Himachal Pradesh, is now in popular search as it is counted as a favorite spot for young travelers and hikers. Set at the bank of the Parvati River, it’s surrounded by lush greenery and offers an unpolluted vibe for its residents and guests.

    Kasol displays a unique Israeli influence. The vibes get reflected in its local cuisine and culture. It’s a trekkers’ paradise as it is often counted as the base point for trails like Kheerganga and Tosh. Hikers from all over the globe flocks here to enjoy the hilly terrain and the charm of mountaineering.

   Kasol is a beautiful travel destination where you can enjoy nature and enthusiasts can explore, and relish the beauty of hilly terrain at your own pace.

Parvati The river

    You may think that a river is all about flowing water and its tantalizing aqua appeal. But the River Parvati....

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