Unlike other genres of literature, writing is the most difficult genre because it requires meticulous preparation, flawless planning, assiduous perseverance and strict discipline. Reasons of this fact are very obvious. What we write becomes available as permanent source of records, standard references and ready reckoner. That is why the art of writing, that too flawless and ubiquitously acceptable writing is a strenuous task the mastery of which calls for consistent efforts, hard labour and indomitable courage and conviction. Ernest Hemingway once had said, “We are all apprentices of a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” What can be inferred from the above quotation is the bitter fact that for achieving the mastery in the perfection of the art of writing we need to be very much diligent as well as persistent in our efforts. It also calls for living a disciplined life, well-orchestrated with punctuality, assiduousness and perseverance.


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