Name of the Book : Enhancing Performance of HR - An agile Approach

Author : Parth Sarathi

No. of pages : 453

Date of Publication: 18-09-2024

Publisher : BFC Publications Pvt Ltd.

Price : `778 (Paperback)

   Throughout the past decades we find numerous terms in the popular business and academic fields that refer to an increasing inability to grasp the world and deal with the things happening around us. Examples include uncertainty, turbulence, rapid change, dynamism, disruption, complexity, hyper-competition, high-velocity markets and flux.

    VUCA is an acronym that stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. The notion of "VUCA" is gaining popularity as a term to cover the various dimensions of the ‘uncontrollable’ environment. In the last couple of years,we....

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