To err is human. We make mistakes. As children and as senior citizens, as adolescents and as men of middle age, as men and as women, mistakes are part of our life and growth. We grow from mistake to mistake.
The kinds of mistakes may change, the nature of mistakes may change, but we are committed to make mistakes. Sometimes we commit mistakes knowingly and at other times, without our knowledge. But the repercussions and consequences are the same. When a child plays with fire and gets burnt, it learns a lesson, a life long lesson. Not always so.
We do not learn lessons or forget them quickly. Sometimes we expect 2+2 to be 5, to suit our whims and fancies. Doctors and health specialists smoke and drink alcohol. They are not ignorant, but somehow they indulge. We eat junk food, drink chemicals, ride to the next block, sit before screens for long hours, neglect our health, ignore the warning signals or the advice of doctors. Then....