It’s been weeks since the second wave surged in India and there’s already a buzz about the third wave. Do we have the time to step back, reflect, take note of what went well, what went wrong, and plan a better contingency?

  In a war-like situation which it actually was, each of us had a quick choice to make. It was like the hour of judgment measuring our strengths and weaknesses.

  The hour of judgment is precisely a situational parameter like that of the pandemic crisis where life was unexpectedly halted, extreme pressures leveraged, situations lost and situations won.

  Every disaster or tragedy of the scale of the pandemic tests our abilities, our preparedness, our value systems, and who we are as a people.

  People and systems are constructed, cultivated, or corrupted over time. People are not built solely over happy civilizational periods but by tragedies as well. How we face adversity is how we....

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