When it comes to the crunch, the girls and women, especially in a typical Indian society find themselves at a loss, crippled as they are by daunting patriarchy and misogyny.

  Left to herself, what would be an idea of freedom be like for a girl?

  To follow her dream path and be allowed an unfettered choice that would just let her to be what she wants to become, what she wants to do, wear what she wants to, to be with who she wants to be and what she wants to say. In essence, allow her to be herself. Where there is sanctity of minds and bodies and a luxury of choice.

While with Sonia, Anu enjoys feeding grass to cows and learns making a bundle of grass besides strolling in the hilly terrain.

  No one has put it better than Camille Grammer, American television celebrity, model and actress. Diamonds, she says, are not a girl’s best friends. Freedom is.

  Capturing such weighty ideas of freedom and....

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