It was one of those lazy Sundays. Hot and humid, but with a mild breeze. With half open eyes, I was siesta-walking on what the city corporation claimed to be sidewalk (apt name would be side-step as you have to side-step the sidewalk or what remained of it to avoid twisting your ankles), when suddenly a crocodile standing on its hind limbs and munching something which it had grabbed with one of its front limbs started waving to me. Jolted out of the torpor that happens to be my natural state, I sidestepped the sidewalk and did a Steven Smith on the road, with legs going all over the place, much to the annoyance of an autorickshaw driver who seemed to have become pretty animated and was mouthing a lot of verbiage without even an inkling of my state of confused obliviousness.

   In that confusion I stepped on the sidewalk forgetting to sidestep and the shooting pain originating in my ankle brought me back to a somewhat wakeful state. The crocodile was....

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