In 1854, an epidemic of Cholera broke out in London around Golden Square. An English doctor John Snow conducted a series of investigations to study the Cholera outbreak to discover the cause and its prevention. He started his work by identifying where in this area people affected by Cholera lived. He took a map of that area and marked each residence where deaths from Cholera had occurred. Such a type of map which shows the geographic distribution of cases is called a Spot Map, something unknown in those days. Along with it he also marked the locations of water pumps in that area as Snow believed that water was a source of this disease. Then he started looking for any relationship between the water pumps and the distribution of houses with Cholera cases. He identified the water pumps as A, B, and C. He saw that more cases were clustered in houses around pump-A located at Broad Street rather than around pump-B and pump-C a little further away. Snow enquired with the....

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