The staggering times the dreaded pandemic brought in its wake upending day-today lives across the globe, changed the ways how we work, learn and interact.Some people, however, showed remarkable resilience and refused to get stuck in time. They even tricked such times to find their way.

  This becomes strikingly noticeable when it is the students who refused to get trapped in time and came forward with an initiative worthy of applause.

   The second year students of PGP of Ahmedabad based prestigious Mudra Institute of Communication(MICA) designed one such project. MICA students have been associated with their MICAVaani programme since 2005 which is a 90.4 FM community radio aimed at impacting the lives of villages close to the institute through effective communication.

  Since the MICA students were not on the campus during the pandemic times in 2020, they could not conduct their popular teaching programme for the....

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