We had discussed about fat-soluble vitamins recently. Now we shall be discussing about water-soluble vitamins: vitamin-B-complex and vitamin-C. Vitamins of the B-complex group take part in the various stages of carbohydrates metabolism and therefore carbohydrates increase the requirement of the vitamin B-group. Nature has combined carbohydrates with the various B-vitamins in most cereals and plants but food processing and refining lead to its destruction.

   The resulting deficiency state, therefore, leads to impairment of carbohydrate metabolism and thereby causes disease. Vitamins of the B-complex group are generally absorbed from the small intestine and stored in the liver and excreted in the urine. As these are water-soluble vitamins, they are not stored in the body in a significant amount and in general do not cause hypervitaminosis. None of the B-vitamins are found in high concentration in any food but usually, the food that provides most of....

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