‘I found myself in an empty corridor with high cathedral ceiling, and floor-toceiling window along one wall. As I looked around to figure out where I was, the simulation’s audio kicked-in, and I heard a low thump off in the distance. Another thump, still closer, seemed to shake the entire room. Then something stepped around the corner. A massive scaly head, a huge muscled leg, a long powerful trail – a Tyrannosaurus Rex, king of the dinosaurs, was coming towards me. I froze in fear. The T-Rex bent down, sniffed me, and turned its head to stare at me with a hubcap shaped yellow eyes. Then it straightened-up, took a step forward and walked on. The parts of my brain responsible for higher reasoning knew this was a simulation, but it was so realistic that it had me convinced otherwise.’ What you read was an excerpt from David Ewalt’s book, Defying Reality – and his first-hand experience of demo of Oculus VR’s latest Rift prototype.....

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