Fritjof Capra’s book The Science of Leonardo is author’s tribute to Leonardo Da Vinci as the first modern scientist long before Galileo and Newton. Capra throughout the book presents a coherent account of the scientific method and achievements of the great genius of the Renaissance and evaluates them from the perspective of today’s scientific thought.

Book title : THE SCIENCE OF LEONARDO: inside the mind of the Great Genius of the Renaissance

Publisher : Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group.

Published date : 2007.

Author : Fritjof Capra.

Genre : Non-fiction, Science/Technology. 

Pages : 352.

First impressions

   At a time when other scholars were still set in the ways of the antiquity Leonardo came as a flash of light that illuminated a new path and ushered an empirical approach to science: involving the systematic observation of nature, logical reasoning,....

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