
English matters most Write as you speak and make your writing uniquely superb

by Gyanvitaranam

    While going through newspapers, magazines and books of renowned bestselling authors across the countries, you must have usually, naturally and longingly wished, oh God… you could write so awesomely nice. But alas! The task is not so easy. Because unlike the skills of reading and speaking, the art of writing is bizarrely a more difficult task which calls for a different forte and calibre.

   When the famous US author and Nobel Prize laureate Ernest Hemingway was asked the essential qualifications of a good writer, he had replied, “… the most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof, shit detector.” By the term shit detector he meant that every writer must know the difference between a bad writing and good writing. He also added that this quality of a writer to discern good writing from bad writing serves as the radar which helps him to stay focused on his writing.

   While speaking....

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