
Bane of bustard

by Gyanvitaranam

  How do growing cities impact birds? It happens on several counts and adversely. The pace of the growth of cities could mean changes in the movement patterns of the birds resulting in their altered access to resources for food. It also brings in its wake increased collision with buildings and power lines with reduced forest patches and increase in noise and air pollution as also temperature.

  The brick and mortar growth has resulted in a bleak scenario for several species of birds which are on the brink of extinction.

   Interestingly, the Great Indian Bustard was proposed at the time of choosing the national bird of India and the late acclaimed ornithologist Salim Ali also supported the proposal; but the Indian peafowl found favour.

  One such species, specific to the Indian subcontinent is the Great Indian Bustard (GIB) that has remained in the news for the past two decades as it is threatened by industrial pace. At the....

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