
The medium is the message

by Gyanvitaranam

  Marshal McLuhan an educator and pioneer of the study of communication, and its evolution overtime introduced many terms like global village, figure and ground, tetrad of media effect and hot and cold media. But it will always be the paradoxical term ‘the medium is the message’ with which he will forever be remembered.

  Generally, when we get a message, it is the message that is important, i.e., content rather than form. McLuhan focusing on the medium argued that throughout history what has been communicated has been less important than the particular medium through which people communicate.

  McLuhan’s book, Understanding Media, explains ‘the medium is the message’ as the personal and social consequence of any medium, i.e., of any extension of our self, results from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves or by any new technology. Thus with, automation, for example, the new....

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