The State Bank of India invites Online applications from Indian citizens for appointment to the post of Specialist Cadre Officers such as Head, Zonal Head, Regional Head, Relationship Manager, Central Research Team Lead to fill up 25 Vacancies on regular basis. The closing date for registration of online applications is 17th December 2024.
Head (Product, Investment and Research): CTC ` 135 Lakhs
Zonal Head: CTC ` 88.10 Lakh
Regional Head: CTC ` 66.40 Lakh
Relationship Manager - Team Lead: CTC ` 51.80 Lakh
Central Research Team (Product Lead): CTC ` 61.20 Lakh
Eligibility Criteria
Head (Product, Investment and Research): Graduation/Post-Graduation + 12 years relevant experience.
Zonal Head: Graduate + 15 years relevant experience.
Regional Head: Post Qualification....