
D-Anger managing

by Gyanvitaranam

   When we back track from the familiar past and analyse the development and changes in human emotions, surprisingly, we will find ‘anger’ as one of the oldest and most primitive forms of emotions, that had been hard-wired in our brains from many thousands of years. Apparently for a purpose, to help us in surviving tougher times, back then when resources like food, potential mates and shelter were relatively scarce. Anger was, therefore, a vital emotion giving our ancestors the necessary drive and power to survive when their safety, or a chance to mate, was threatened.

    Although in recent times, the challenges of life were different and our exposure to ‘such dangers of olden era’ are comparatively negligible, the hard-wiring still has its effect and our brains still react to certain anger triggers. It is a common issue to have difficulty in managing angry feelings, which may lead to difficulties in maintaining relationships;....

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