
Engineering Bursary for International Students in the UK

by Gyanvitaranam

     The educational award offered by the University of Lincoln.is available for all high achieving UK, EU, and Overseas participants in order to pursue an undergraduate degree programme at the University in the United Kingdom.

    The University of Lincoln was founded in 1861 as the Hull School of Art and obtained its university status in 1992 and its present name and structure in 2001. It is a public research university in England.

  Why at the University of Lincoln? The university offers a great and supportive environment to study along with the wide range of degree programme and exceptional students experience for students.

Brief Description

University or Organization: University of Lincoln.

Course Level: Undergraduate course.

Award: Varies.

Access Mode: Online.

Number of Awards: Limited.

Nationality: The UK, EU, and International.

The programme can....

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