
A year in Russia

by Gyanvitaranam

   Its a bit nerve-racking coming to a country which you know nothing about save the few lessons in World Cultures and American History, although the latter was mainly about the Cold War and didn’t necessarily paint a flattering picture. Most people I talked to seemed to have certain ideas and opinions, some of which were ignorant and borderline offensive. Of-course, it isn’t the first time I’ve heard such statements about places I wanted to go to or things I wanted to do. I tried my best not to let such preconceived notions (including my own) faze me. So, with a few encouraging nudges from a favorite French teacher and well-meaning friends, I was off on a new adventure.

It started with a hitch

   I’ve been blessed with wonderful friends wherever I go. And in Russia, I can add strangers to the list. I don’t know how hard my mother was praying, but I swear, whenever I was in a difficult situation, there was always....

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