
Printing press the usher of the new world

by Gyanvitaranam

    The history of printing started around 3000 BCE in Mesopotamian civilization with the duplication of images, by the use of cylinder seals for rolling an impression onto clay tablets. Later in both China and Egypt, the use of small stamps for seals was prevalent. Printing is one of the four great inventions of Ancient China, the other three being paper making, gun powder and the compass. In China, monks were setting ink to paper using a method known as block printing, in which wooden blocks are coated in ink and pressed to sheets of paper.

    The strong motive behind the invention of printing press in China and Korea was the religious zeal towards Buddhism and hunger for power and social advancement, the book ‘The Diamond Sutra’ was created in 868 A.D. during Tang Dynasty. This method of printing from carved wood blocks was also used in Japan in the early eighth century. Advancement to woodblock printing came in eleventh century when a....

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