
Mulberry fruit with multiple value

by Gyanvitaranam

    Mulberry for many of us is more often associated with silkworms and sericulture. But the fact is that mulberry is a super food but yet underexploited with so many nutritive values. Refreshingly succulent, tart and sweet mulberries are indeed rich in numerous health benefiting flavonoid phytonutrients. Botanically, they are the berries obtained from the silkworm tree belonging to the Moraceae family, within the Genus: Morus.

    More than a hundred species of Morus exist. In taxonomy, the species is generally identified by the colour of flower buds and leaves, but not by the colour of the berries. So, a mulberry plant can exhibit different coloured berries; black, purple, red, white, etc., on the same plant.

  Three species have been recognized for their economic importance.

• White mulberry (Morusalba) is native to eastern and central China.

• Red or American mulberry (Morusrubra) is native to the....

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