
Choosing the Teacher or Institute of one’s choice

by Gyanvitaranam

   2tion.com is an online platform that was created to address education-related needs of tutors, students, training institutes and parents, with emphasis placed on providing its users with 'choice' - to choose the teacher or institute of their choice, something that is generally denied in the traditional education system. In an exclusive interview with GYANVitaranam, the founders of 2tion.com, Arjith K G and Sujai G Pillai; also founder of “One Library Per Village”, a MyGov Ambassador (one among 20 members in Prime Minister Modi’s MyGov Team) and also the Programme Coordinator for United Nations CTAD for promoting Entrepreneurship in India, discuss their goal, future plans, current success, etc.

1. Can you please explain the concept of 2 tion.com?

A: The perfect way to describe 2tion.com will be as an innovative portal, a new world, which enables the students and teachers to interact freely with each other. Some of the....

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