
Modern Indian woman lighting up her role in the society

by Gyanvitaranam

The transition period

   There was a time when women faced a constant oppression in our male dominated society. They are considered as a thing in the family rather than a family member. They have faced oppressive rules of self-expression and were confined to household chores only. As time passes, efforts are implied for the upliftment of women. The efforts comprise several reform activities that are undertaken to pace up the society culture and to set women as independent individuals carrying their own distinct identity.

    The previous millennium calls for several social customs faced by women like sati, child marriage, purdah system, female infanticide, dowry system and many more. With the awakening programs run by the Government for women, these days, these social problems fall under strict prohibitions. Now, the woman is educated enough to fight for her status and place in the society. Today’s woman is now no longer a servant.....

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