
Enchanting Islands off Kuala Lumpur

by Gyanvitaranam

   Outside the sun is just rising as we leave for Langkawi, a small seaside town, 45 minutes from Kuala Lumpur. This town holds out the most adventures in our ten-day itinerary. When the plane touches down at the tiny Langkawi airport, we are blown away by the peace and beauty of the island. The landscape is lush green and rolling as we wind our way to the hotel.

   Unfortunately, we are told that our booking has been cancelled due to a fire at the hotel the previous night. Where were we to anchor in an unknown island? So our small group trudges along with luggage to find accommodation. We roam up and down the street looking longingly at delightful little cottages facing the sea. At last, we find an average hotel with three rooms. While the rest of the group is assigned rooms my friend and I are directed to a private chalet nearby.

   What a charming place! All around there are trees, trembling with bunches of sweet Malayan mangoes,....

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