
Women in a Newsroom

by Gyanvitaranam

  “For those waiting with bated breath for their best media catch phrase – U-Turn, I have only one thing to say; you turn if you want to, the ladies are not for turning”, quipped former prime minister of United Kingdom Margret Thatcher at one of the press conferences, after she was re-elected for a third term in 1987.

   News media, has seen an unprecedented change in our country. With Indian politics, economy, foreign policy, civil rights, governance and myriad other areas, it seems like media houses are purposefully striving for visibility. Being a journalist, I have always wracked my brain and heart, for what I ought to say to any girl, in school or college, about being a woman journalist. I heard the speech by Margret Thatcher, all thanks to the YouTube archives, and I was simply taken aback, because of the significant percentage of times I was asked to take a U-turn, every time I had requested permission to stretch my limits in the....

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