
The Other Giant Leap by Neil Armstrong

by Gyanvitaranam

   On landing on the Moon on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong famously proclaimed, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The celebrated moon landing is also remembered for another great leap, made by the human mind over the computer.

    Here is how it played out, as narrated by the first Indian broadcaster, who interacted with Armstrong. I covered man’s first moon landing in July 1969 in real time from a NASA Centre for All India Radio. After Neil Armstrong successfully completed the mission, the first man on the Moon undertook a world tour including India in November that year.

   In New Delhi I was the only science writer invited to meet him at a social gathering. We were told that it was not a Press meet and no specific questions should be put to him. Still, it was a great opportunity to meet a man who had by then become a legend. When I met him I was mesmerised by his piercing....

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