
Tchaikovsky on Steroids

by Gyanvitaranam

    What’s the very latest in playing practical jokes on unsuspecting people? How do you scare the living daylights out of your neighbours? If these vexing issues have been stealing your sleep, then look no further. Salvation is at hand. It’s the latest buzzword in the gadget wishlist of every right-thinking man (and may be a very few women) - The Home theatre. Yeah, that’s what you want. For a five to seven digit amount of Rupees you can bring home a full-fledged theatre with six track stereo sound into your living room.

   The smelly toilet, cigarette vendor and the snoring man in the next seat are currently not part of this package, yet. However technology is galloping and we shall soon see all that too, I’m sure, even including your favourite black market ticket tout. What does Home theatre do? Home theatre promises to put you at the centre of the action. My first date with disaster was at the house of a well-to-do friend of....

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