
Beauty is not just skin deep

by Gyanvitaranam

   When was the last time you stole a glance into a mirror? Probably it was a minute or two ago. How did you rate you looked: good, bad or OK? Everybody wants to look into a mirror and feel good about them. Everyone wants to be complimented for the way they look. The pressure building up over the need to look beautiful is growing day after day.

  This pressure over beauty arguably stems from modern day media explosion. Since the advent of social media sites like facebook everyone wants to be photographed looking picture-perfect at every time of the day. The word ‘selfie’ has even found its way into the Oxford dictionary. With more and more fashion magazines patronizing fashion models in size zero photoshop-ed to perfection the peer pressure is building up on kids these days. But even before the fashion magazines found a place in our news-stands India was known to be a ‘fairness obsessed’ country.

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