
Ragi the wonder millet

by Gyanvitaranam

  Ragi once known as the poor man’s milk has turned to rich man’s food with wide acceptance in the global community these days due to its immense nutritional qualities. Eleusine coracana, also known as African millet or ragi, is widely grown in Africa and Asia.

  A native to the Ethiopian Highlands it was introduced in India a long time ago. The finger millet can be cultivated in high altitudes to over 2000 meters above sea level and it is a high drought tolerance crop.

  Ragi is rich in a protein component namely, aminoacid methionine, which makes it an important health food for fulfilling the requirements of protein intake. It contains good amounts of carbohydrates, minerals, calcium and fibre too. Also, 100 gm of ragi can provide 328 KCal of energy.

  The finger millet nutrition contains about protein 5–8 per cent, 65–75 per cent carbohydrates, 15–20 per cent dietary fibre and 2.5 –3.5 per cent....

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