
Mathematics: The key and door to sciences

by Gyanvitaranam

  Fundamentally being an illiterate is generally considered a handicap.The effect of impediment increases exponentially when we are dealing with illiteracy of Mathematics, especially in an increasing technological society.

  Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences a 1988 book by mathematician John Allen Paulos about “innumeracy”, a term he embraced to describe the mathematical equivalent of illiteracy: incompetence with numbers rather than words. In this book, Paulos, a Professor of Mathematics at Temple University argues – our inability to deal comfortably with fundamental notions of numbers and chance plagues far too many otherwise knowledgeable citizens.

  A distinguishing characteristic of this problem is that people are often proud to acknowledge it.They say, ‘I hated math,’ I can’t even balance my checkbook’, or ‘I am a people person, not a numbers person’. Some people....

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