
Young India The world’s youngest country

by Gyanvitaranam

   At a time when foremost economies like Europe, U.S., South Korea and Japan are ageing, India holds the benefit of having an augmented young working population.

   India has its largest ever adolescent and youth population. Half of its population is under the age of 25. Two-thirds are less than 35. As a recent Bloomberg News analysis discovered, India is set to become the world’s largest workforce by 2021, with a billion people aged between 15 and 64 years.

   According to United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) projections, India will continue to have one of the youngest populations in the world till 2030. India is experiencing a demographic window of opportunity, a “youth bulge” that will last till 2025.

   With a median age of 26.4 years as of this year, India’s population is much younger than China’s (35.4 years). The median marks the point where half the population is....

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