
Avian enigma

by Gyanvitaranam

   Habitat is home to the species of plants and animals where they thrive as it offers them water, food, shelter and breeding ground. However, sadly, human activities such as harvesting natural resources, industrial production, pressure from agriculture, mining, logging and urban sprawl have now begun to eat into the prized habitat of a number of species causing habitat loss and threat to their survival.

   Habitat loss is largely responsible for pushing the species to the red list of endangered species.

  Habitat destruction also leads to reduced biodiversity, thus weakening the ecosystem of the earth which eventually poses a major threat to human life also.

  Habitat destruction thus not only impacts individual species but also the health of the global ecosystem. Habitat loss caused by farming, grazing, mining, drilling and urbanization impacts about 80 per cent of global species for whom forest is their home. As a....

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