
Urinating in public is an offence

by Gyanvitaranam

   If you are someone who hasn’t seen anyone peeing out in public in India you are fortunate because I feel disgusting when I have to cross a path stinking urine and also the thought that those pee combines with the rainwater and might touch my own feet.

  Wondering how this could be an article for inspiring the youth, which fortunately is the motto of Gyan Vitaranam? Why don’t you think the other way instead? Holding public hygiene high to your soul is indeed a big thing. If you are not a person who has relieved your bladder in an open space you wouldn’t let your kids do the same. Thus, you are respecting the public as well as the space surrounding them and yourself, inclusively. It is prime to know something about peeing in public.


Peeing leads to unemployment

  Just being caught for peeing in public is resolvable. But, beware peeing in public can register your name as a sex offender in many....

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