
Amid mayhem ‘oil’ only

by Gyanvitaranam

   The beginning of 1990 witnessed oil once again becoming the focus of global conflict. On 2nd August, 1990 Saddam Hussein the dictator of Iraq invaded the neighbouring country Kuwait, for its richest oil. By succeeding Iraq would become the world’s leading oil power and dominate the Arab world and the Persian Gulf. The aggression was not received passively, as being the case of Hitler’s militarization of Rhineland and Mussolini’s assault on Ethiopia. Instead many countries of Western and Arab world mustered military force to defend Saudi Arabia against Iraq. This once again proved that at the end of the twentieth century oil was still central to security, prosperity, and the very nature of civilization.

  Crude oil, also called black gold, has a long and chequered career. Adventures venturing into the unknown in search of the mysterious object, government imposed quota regimes, and iron clad restrictions, fiercely in dependent....

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