
Handy skin care tips teenagers will love to know

by Gyanvitaranam

   Flawless and glowing skin is one of the universal desires of teens. These grown up kids remain highly busy with school, college, hobbies, friends and often release a deep sigh that they don’t have time to care for their skin. Few do express their agony about that acne villain and blackheads do spoil their skin beauty and cause irritation and discomfort.

   But skin care in teen age is not that critical. Dermatologists and skin care experts often recommend that regular skin cleaning, toning and maintaining hydration level of skin are the medical formula of keeping a teen’s skin healthy, fresh, and gorgeous.

   Cleansing is an important skin care for teen Teen age is the time when boys and girls face the problem of hormonal rush. Regardless whether you are boy or a girl, over active hormones, oil glands, and bigger pores are the immediate problem you face almost every day. Worry not! Use a good cleanser and keep on....

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