
Virus can be friendly too

by Gyanvitaranam

   The corona outbreak during the recent past has led to a taboo that all viruses are bad and so the mention of the word ‘virus’ is usually met with fear and understandably so since these microscopic collections of biological entities have been responsible for countless cases of death and sickness since centuries. The very mention of a deadly viral pandemic can send entire neighbourhoods, cities, countries or even geographic zones into a state of sheer, frenzied panic as is presently observed. Viruses are invisible to the naked eye and they exist almost everywhere on Earth. They can infect fungi, plants, animals, and yes, humans. Some people have even speculated that viruses could pose a grave threat to the existence of humanity. However, it is not often realised that not all viruses are bad. In fact, as scientists have learned more about them, it has been discovered that some viruses are actually quite beneficial. They have helped us in ways that we....

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